The I am DJ Foundation
An endowment foundation in memory of David James "DJ" Preece 2003 - 2015
The foundation funds are administered by the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) as a Donor Advised Fund. Distributions are directed by the foundation advisers, presently DJ's parents.
To make a tax deductible contribution click the button below to go to the on-line donation page of the CICF. Complete the form and enter "The D.J. Preece Memorial Foundation Fund" in the List Fund Name or ID To Donate To field.
What we do
Since 2016, the foundation and donations have enabled us to continue DJ's legacy by sending youth to the Karl E. Kelley Memorial ICOO camp, supporting the Zionsville Middle School Band, and awarding the DJ Preece Spirit Award to a deserving Scout from Zionsville Troop 804. The R.O.C.K. ministry at the Zionsville United Methodist Church will also benefit from this fund in the future. These are organizations and activities which helped shape DJ into the person he became - our beloved son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend.